Contributing to the PFLOTRAN Project

I have modified PFLOTRAN source code (e.g. added capability, fixed a bug, etc.). How do I contribute new code to the PFLOTRAN source code repository?

Source code contributions by anyone are welcome. However, code modifications must undergo peer review before being merged to the master branch of the PFLOTRAN repository. Please adhere to the following steps when making modifications to the code. Note: Exact steps are not detailed due to frequent updates to the Bitbucket user interface.

  1. Create a fork of the PFLOTRAN repository on Bitbucket (

  2. Clone the repository to a local machine

    git clone

  3. Make modifications and commit these changes to the master (or a development) branch of the repository

git commit -i filename1 filename2 -m ‘a short, descriptive message’

  1. Ensure that all unit and regression tests pass.

  1. Execute make test in PFLOTRAN_DIR/src/pflotran directory. Note: Unit and regressiont test gold files are generated with unoptimized GNU-compiled code. You will need to use a GNU compiler (-O0) to ensure that all tests pass.

  2. If new capability was developed, create a new regresson test: Creating New Regression Tests

  1. Push these changes up to the forked repository on Bitbucket

git push

  1. Submit a Pull Request.

  2. A PFLOTRAN developer will review the changes and either, accept the request or provide feedback.

I want to help document PFLOTRAN. How do I contribute to the PFLOTRAN documentation repository?

Excellent! Follow the steps above for source code, using the repository: Obviously, unit and regression testing is not required.