Glossary of Symbols

\(H\) -enthalpy [kJ mol\(^{-1}\)]

\(k\) -intrinsic permeability [m\(^2\)]

\(k_r\) -relative permeability [-]

\(m\) -van Genuchten parameter [-]

\(n\) -van Genuchten parameter [-]

\(P\) -pressure [Pa]

\(p_c\) -capillary pressure [Pa]

\(p_c^0\) -van Genuchten parameter [Pa]

\(P_{\text{sat}}\) -saturated vapor pressure [Pa]

\(P_{cgl}\) -liquid-gas capillary pressure [Pa]

\({\boldsymbol{g}}\) -gravity [m s\(^{-2}\)]

\(Q_w\) -source/sink [kmol m\(^{-3}\) s\(^{-1}\)]

\({\boldsymbol{q}}\) -Darcy flux [m s\(^{-1}\)]

\(R\) -gas constant [kJ K\(^{-1}\) kmol\(^{-1}\)]

\(s\) -saturation [m\(^3\) m\(^{-3}\)]

\(s_e\) -effective saturation [-]

\(s_r\) -residual saturation [-]

\(s_0\) -maximum saturation [-]

\(T\) -temperature [K]

\(U\) -internal energy [kJ mol\(^{-1}\)]

\(W_w\) -formula weight of water [kg kmol\(^{-1}\)]

Greek Symbols

\(\varphi\) -porosity [-]

\(\rho\) -mass water density [kg m\(^{-3}\)]

\(\eta\) -molar water density [kmol m\(^{-3}\)]

\(\mu\) -viscosity [Pa s]

\(\Psi_j\) -total concentration of \(j\)th primary species [mol m\(^{-3}\)]

\(\boldsymbol{\Omega}_j\) -total flux of \(j\)th primary species [mol m\(^{-2}\) s\(^{-1}\)]